First Nations education transformation

The Government of Canada is dedicated to establishing and maintaining partnerships on First Nations elementary and secondary education.

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Current systems of First Nations education in Canada

Respecting the principle of First Nations control of First Nations education, First Nations and organizations designated by First Nations are responsible for managing and delivering education programs and services for students who are ordinarily living on reserve. Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) provides funding for students who ordinarily live on reserve, are aged 4 and above, or the age range for elementary and secondary education support in the province of residence and are enrolled in and attending an eligible elementary or secondary program.

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What we have heard in the past

Over the years, discussions on education with First Nations have pointed to a number of key issues:

Timeline of reports and recommendations

Consult the reports on First Nations education since 1972 to learn more about past research and recommendations that will inform the way forward, as the Government of Canada works collaboratively with First Nations to ensure that all students receive a quality education.

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