Improving child and family services in First Nations communities: Engagement

From Indigenous Services Canada

Current status: Open

The engagement began in the fall of 2016. Reports from meetings with the Minister's Special Representative are available under What we heard.


Our first priority is the well-being of children. The Government of Canada is committed to taking concrete steps to completely transform the First Nations Child and Family Services Program to ensure we are meeting the needs of First Nation children and families.

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) wants to hear from you on what is needed to best meet the needs of First Nations children and families on reserve.


Renewing relationships with Indigenous peoples and reforming the First Nations Child and Family Services Program to better meet children's needs are top priorities for the Government of Canada. The over-representation of Indigenous children in care is a significant issue across Canada and the Government of Canada is working with partners to change this reality. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's final report also made a number of calls to action (PDF) in this area.


The Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs appointed Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux as the Minister's Special Representative (MSR). Between October 2016 and March 2017, the MSR held meetings with partners to discuss promising practices and short and long-term solutions.

ISC is reaching out to hear from:


This engagement will be inclusive and includes:

There are four ways to participate:

  1. Attend a regional or national meeting (by invitation only for service providers, First Nation technical groups and First Nation communities and community members).
  2. Fill out the online survey. (closed in April 2017)
  3. Send an email to request a meeting or to share your suggestions about engagement, or on what is needed for the First Nations Child and Family Services program to best meet the needs of children.
  4. Send a letter to the address in the contact us section below.

What we heard

Consult the MSR's final report:

Consult summaries of the key issues and findings from the MSR's regional meetings:

Related links

Contact us

Child and Family Services Branch
Indigenous Services Canada
10 Wellington, 22nd floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H4

Tel: 1-877-535-7259 (toll-free)
TTY: 1-800-465-7735

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