Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program Cost Reference Manual for Operations and Maintenance
Table of contents
- Preface
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 How ISC developed the CFMP’s O&M unit cost estimates
- 3.0 Why ISC developed O&M city centre and remoteness indices
- 4.0 Determination and analysis of O&M costs (net funding requirement)
- 5.0 Integrated Capital Management System (ICMS) asset definitions
- Table 1 - O&M unit costs (Toronto = base, 2023)
- Table 2 - City centre indices (2023)
- Table 3 - Remoteness cost adjustment factors
- Table 4 - Net funding factors
- Table 5 - Operation and maintenance cost definitions
- Maintenance Management Plans
- Building Assets
- A1A – Office
- A2A – Municipal Trade Shop/Workshop, A2B – Municipal Garage, A2C – Band Warehouse and A2G – School Warehouse
- A3B – Daycare Centre
- A3H – Fire Station
- A5A - Water supply/treatment, A5B - Wastewater treatment/disposal, A5C - Electrical power generation and A5E - Central heating plant
- A6A - Community recreation centre/hall/cultural centre, A6B – Arena, A6C – Gymnasium, A6D - Indoor swimming pool and A6E - Club house/youth centre/senior citizen/drop-in
- Water and Wastewater Assets
- B1A - Heated Water Mains
- B1B - Water Mains
- B1C - Water Treatment Plant
- B1D - Water Treatment Unit
- B1E - Water Storage
- B1F - Community Wells
- B1G - Water Standpipes
- B1H - High Level Lift Station
- B1I - Low Level Lift Station
- B2A - Sanitary Main
- B2B - Storm Main
- B2C - RBC/Trickling Filter
- B2D - Extended Aeration Plant
- B2E – Lagoon
- B2F - Community Septic Tank
- B2G - Jet Pump Disposal
- B2H - Lift Station
- B2I - Aerated Lagoon
- B2J - Force Main
- B2Q - Low Pressure Connection
- Electrical Assets
- Reserve Road Assets
- Reserve Bridge Assets
- Vehicle Assets
The Cost Reference manual provides detailed information about the formula Indigenous Services uses to determine operation and maintenance (O&M) funding levels, for First Nations’ community infrastructure on reserve, and eligible expenditures for assets funded under the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program.
1.0 Introduction
This manual replaces 'Part II – Operation and Maintenance Cost Manual’ of the 'DIAND Cost Reference Manual - July 2005’ for all Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program (CFMP) funded assets with the following exceptions:
- Education facilities O&M including teacherages, school warehouses and federal schools continue to be funded under the CFMP. All non-federal school facilities O&M, funding is provided through a methodology developed and delivered by the Education and Social Development Program and Partnership Sector (ESDPP).
- The O&M funding considerations for solid waste assets are managed by Lands and Economic Development (LED).
2.0 How ISC developed the CFMP’s O&M unit cost estimates
ISC developed O&M unit costs for different types of assets based on standard O&M cost definitions. This helps to ensure a consistent approach in determining O&M costs. ISC also updated these definitions to reflect modern infrastructure and technologies.
We undertook a comprehensive evaluation of unit costs by asset type. We evaluated data from recent industry-based costing studies and regional costing information to ensure that costs were reflective of modernized infrastructure considerations. Unit costs are adjusted annually to account for inflation using the Consumer Price Index and Construction Union Wage Rate Index, subject to availability of funds and departmental priorities (Table 1).
3.0 Why ISC developed O&M city centre and remoteness indices
City centre indices help account for the cost differences between Toronto and the city centre an asset is located in. Our average costs are based on costs in Toronto and are given in Table 1, but costs vary from place to place.
Remoteness indices consider the increased cost owing to distance of accessing goods and services.
In order to adjust the average O&M unit costs to different geographical locations, we developed city centre and remoteness indices, which are listed in tables 2 and 3.
These indices are used in conjunction with the O&M unit cost data to enable forecasting of O&M costs for assets located at any site.
Both city centre and remoteness indices are calculated from a number of complex interrelationships. Labour, parts and equipment, energy, transportation, topography, construction materials and other factors affecting maintenance requirements are reflected in the city centre and remoteness indices which in turn affect the final O&M costs.
When the unit costs and indices are used in calculating an O&M estimate for a specific facility or site, users are cautioned that these are Class D estimates which may increase or decrease due to local conditions, including the life of a facility, its physical condition, the quality of water, the complexity of treatment, the size of a facility and other site specific considerations.
4.0 Determination and analysis of O&M costs (net funding requirement)
Headquarters determines the regional allocation of funding based on a formula that considers O&M costs:
O&M Costs (Gross Funding Requirement) = (Base Unit Cost + Variable Unit Cost * Quantity) * City Centre Index * Remoteness Cost Adjustment Factor
O&M Costs (Net Funding Requirement) = Gross Funding Requirement * Net Funding Factor
The formula provides an estimate of the gross funding requirement (GFR), the amount required to operate and maintain a facility to generally accepted standards.
The net funding requirement (NFR) represents the percentage (net funding factor) applied to the GFR to determine the funding allocations to provided to regional offices (regional reference levels).
Regional offices determine the portion of their reference levels to included in the funding agreement of each recipient, based on the recipient’s funded assets.
Regional capital officers are available to meet with Tribal Councils or First Nations to discuss the specific details of their annual O&M funding allocations, where applicable.
To apply the formula refer to Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 for identification of each of the elements included in the formula.
Table 1: O&M unit costs.
- Variable Unit Costs are applicable to all assets and represent the O&M costs by unit of measure.
- Base Unit Costs are only applicable to Category A - Buildings and represent the O&M costs associated with ground maintenance.
Table 2: City centre indices
Table 3: Remoteness cost adjustment factors
Table 4: Net funding factor
Generally, O&M expenditures include the day-to-day needs of the infrastructure to operate and maintain the facility, such as labour, fuel, electricity, equipment and materials. A detailed description of these cost components, as well as any limits to individual components, is provided in Table 5.
The O&M unit costs represent the cost required to operate and maintain facilities in Toronto. City centre and remoteness indices, applied in the formula, allow a user to adjust the estimated O&M costs for locations that are remote and/or outside of Toronto.
All estimates must be dated as a cost estimate has a limited life, particularly in a period of changing inflation rates and fluctuating market conditions. Annual unit cost adjustments are completed prior to regional allocation each fiscal year and are dependent on availability of funding.
5.0 Integrated Capital Management System (ICMS) asset definitions
In order for ISC regional offices to properly validate the respective asset in their inventories, precise, definitive descriptions of each asset category, class and subclass are required. Precise definitions, are necessary to maintain consistency in the classification of assets among the regions.
The ICMS asset inventory data is updated triennially through the Extended-Asset Condition Reporting (E-ACRS) inspection process. Regions update the inventory annually as new assets are built or existing assets are expanded.
Table 5 contains definitions for each of the classifications for each category of asset. The descriptions contain the asset definition, the unit of measure for that type of asset, typical inclusions as well as typical exclusions.
Table 1 - O&M unit costs (Toronto = base, 2023)
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $34.94 |
Electricity | $17.47 |
Fuel | $26.21 |
Material | $8.74 |
Variable Unit Cost | $87.36 |
Base Unit Cost | $1,670.91 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $9.60 |
Electricity | $14.12 |
Fuel | $19.76 |
Material | $12.99 |
Variable Unit Cost | $56.46 |
Base Unit Cost | $1,675.88 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $9.60 |
Electricity | $14.12 |
Fuel | $19.76 |
Material | $12.99 |
Variable Unit Cost | $56.46 |
Base Unit Cost | $1,675.88 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $9.60 |
Electricity | $14.12 |
Fuel | $19.76 |
Material | $12.99 |
Variable Unit Cost | $56.46 |
Base Unit Cost | $6,703.51 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $9.60 |
Electricity | $14.12 |
Fuel | $19.76 |
Material | $12.99 |
Variable Unit Cost | $56.46 |
Base Unit Cost | $6,703.51 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $47.52 |
Electricity | $4.50 |
Fuel | $8.35 |
Material | $3.85 |
Variable Unit Cost | $64.22 |
Base Unit Cost | $10,204.67 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $14.04 |
Electricity | $9.36 |
Fuel | $16.38 |
Material | $7.02 |
Variable Unit Cost | $46.81 |
Base Unit Cost | $6,692.31 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $19.43 |
Material | $19.43 |
Variable Unit Cost | $38.86 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $19.36 |
Material | $19.36 |
Variable Unit Cost | $38.72 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $19.50 |
Material | $19.50 |
Variable Unit Cost | $38.99 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $19.50 |
Material | $19.50 |
Variable Unit Cost | $38.99 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $29.10 |
Electricity | $16.73 |
Fuel | $9.46 |
Material | $17.46 |
Variable Unit Cost | $72.75 |
Base Unit Cost | $6,584.68 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $26.51 |
Electricity | $15.24 |
Fuel | $8.62 |
Material | $15.91 |
Variable Unit Cost | $66.28 |
Base Unit Cost | $13,169.36 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $25.76 |
Electricity | $14.81 |
Fuel | $8.37 |
Material | $15.46 |
Variable Unit Cost | $64.40 |
Base Unit Cost | $13,169.36 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $30.47 |
Electricity | $17.52 |
Fuel | $9.90 |
Material | $18.28 |
Variable Unit Cost | $76.17 |
Base Unit Cost | $6,584.68 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $25.68 |
Electricity | $14.76 |
Fuel | $8.34 |
Material | $15.41 |
Variable Unit Cost | $64.19 |
Base Unit Cost | $2,050.09 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per metre |
Labour | $1.28 |
Electricity | $5.52 |
Material | $0.80 |
Equipment* | $1.38 |
Labour | $0.54 |
Rental and Parts | $0.69 |
Fuel and Lube | $0.15 |
Variable Unit Cost | $8.98 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per metre |
Labour | $1.36 |
Material | $0.84 |
Equipment* | $1.47 |
Labour | $0.57 |
Rental and Parts | $0.73 |
Fuel and Lube | $0.16 |
Variable Unit Cost | $3.67 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $25,133.86 |
Electricity | $6,032.13 |
Chemicals | $7,540.16 |
Material | $3,518.74 |
Equipment* | $8,042.84 |
Labour | $3,136.71 |
Rental and Parts | $4,021.42 |
Fuel and Lube | $884.71 |
Variable Unit Cost | $50,267.72 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $4,350.54 |
Electricity | $1,044.13 |
Chemicals | $1,305.16 |
Material | $609.07 |
Equipment* | $1,392.17 |
Labour | $542.95 |
Rental and Parts | $696.09 |
Fuel and Lube | $153.14 |
Variable Unit Cost | $8,701.07 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $4,246.71 |
Material | $1,341.07 |
Variable Unit Cost | $5,587.78 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $2,048.80 |
Electricity | $2,364.00 |
Chemicals | $394.00 |
Material | $472.80 |
Equipment* | $2,600.40 |
Labour | $1,014.16 |
Rental and Parts | $1,300.20 |
Fuel and Lube | $286.04 |
Variable Unit Cost | $7,880.00 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per metre |
Labour | $1,991.36 |
Electricity | $497.84 |
Material | $696.98 |
Equipment* | $1,792.23 |
Labour | $698.97 |
Rental and Parts | $896.11 |
Fuel and Lube | $197.15 |
Variable Unit Cost | $4,978.41 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $3,463.81 |
Electricity | $3,996.71 |
Chemicals | $666.12 |
Material | $799.34 |
Equipment* | $4,396.38 |
Labour | $1,714.59 |
Rental and Parts | $2,198.19 |
Fuel and Lube | $483.60 |
Variable Unit Cost | $13,322.36 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $2,536.38 |
Electricity | $2,926.59 |
Chemicals | $487.77 |
Material | $585.32 |
Equipment* | $3,219.25 |
Labour | $1,255.51 |
Rental and Parts | $1,609.62 |
Fuel and Lube | $354.12 |
Variable Unit Cost | $9,755.30 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per metre |
Labour | $1.73 |
Material | $1.07 |
Equipment* | $1.87 |
Labour | $0.73 |
Rental and Parts | $0.93 |
Fuel and Lube | $0.21 |
Variable Unit Cost | $4.67 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per metre |
Labour | $0.97 |
Material | $0.60 |
Equipment* | $1.05 |
Labour | $0.41 |
Rental and Parts | $0.52 |
Fuel and Lube | $0.12 |
Variable Unit Cost | $2.62 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $26,511.75 |
Electricity | $10,604.70 |
Chemicals | $3,711.64 |
Material | $2,651.17 |
Equipment* | $9,544.23 |
Labour | $3,722.25 |
Rental and Parts | $4,772.11 |
Fuel and Lube | $1,049.87 |
Variable Unit Cost | $53,023.49 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $24,451.42 |
Electricity | $9,780.57 |
Chemicals | $3,423.20 |
Material | $2,445.14 |
Equipment* | $8,802.51 |
Labour | $3,432.98 |
Rental and Parts | $4,401.26 |
Fuel and Lube | $968.28 |
Variable Unit Cost | $48,902.84 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $19,544.28 |
Material | $2,233.63 |
Equipment* | $6,142.49 |
Labour | $2,395.57 |
Rental and Parts | $3,071.24 |
Fuel and Lube | $675.67 |
Variable Unit Cost | $27,920.40 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $653.65 |
Electricity | $125.70 |
Material | $125.70 |
Equipment* | $351.97 |
Labour | $137.27 |
Rental and Parts | $175.98 |
Fuel and Lube | $38.72 |
Variable Unit Cost | $1,257.02 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $1,646.72 |
Electricity | $316.68 |
Material | $316.68 |
Equipment* | $886.69 |
Labour | $345.81 |
Rental and Parts | $443.35 |
Fuel and Lube | $97.54 |
Variable Unit Cost | $3,166.76 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $5,213.51 |
Electricity | $6,216.11 |
Material | $1,403.64 |
Equipment* | $7,218.71 |
Labour | $2,815.30 |
Rental and Parts | $3,609.35 |
Fuel and Lube | $794.06 |
Variable Unit Cost | $20,051.97 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $23,182.69 |
Electricity | $9,273.07 |
Material | $3,245.58 |
Chemicals | $2,318.27 |
Equipment* | $8,345.77 |
Labour | $3,254.85 |
Rental and Parts | $4,172.88 |
Fuel and Lube | $918.03 |
Variable Unit Cost | $46,365.37 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per metre |
Labour | $2.10 |
Material | $1.30 |
Equipment* | $2.26 |
Labour | $0.89 |
Rental and Parts | $1.14 |
Fuel and Lube | $0.25 |
Variable Unit Cost | $5.66 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $278.15 |
Electricity | $53.49 |
Material | $53.49 |
Equipment* | $149.77 |
Labour | $58.41 |
Rental and Parts | $74.89 |
Fuel and Lube | $16.47 |
Variable Unit Cost | $534.90 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $124.73 |
Equipment* | $124.73 |
Rental and Parts | $93.54 |
Fuel and Lube | $31.18 |
Variable Unit Cost | $249.45 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per kilometre |
Labour | $2,322.93 |
Equipment* | $1,548.62 |
Rental and Parts | $1,161.47 |
Fuel and Lube | $387.16 |
Variable Unit Cost | $3,871.55 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per kilometre |
Labour | $4,809.05 |
Equipment* | $3,206.04 |
Rental and Parts | $2,404.53 |
Fuel and Lube | $801.51 |
Variable Unit Cost | $8,015.09 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per kilometre |
Labour | $5,183.71 |
Material | $5,183.71 |
Variable Unit Cost | $10,367.41 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per kilometre |
Labour | $5,249.88 |
Material | $5,249.88 |
Variable Unit Cost | $10,499.76 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per kilometre |
Labour | $6,313.50 |
Material | $6,313.50 |
Variable Unit Cost | $12,626.99 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per kilometre |
Labour | $5,661.34 |
Material | $5,439.33 |
Variable Unit Cost | $11,100.67 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $62.45 |
Material | $62.45 |
Variable Unit Cost | $124.89 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $63.68 |
Material | $61.19 |
Variable Unit Cost | $124.87 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per square metre |
Labour | $51.94 |
Material | $47.94 |
Variable Unit Cost | $99.88 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $10,853.91 |
Equipment* | $7,859.72 |
Labour | $785.97 |
Rental and Parts | $2,357.92 |
Fuel and Lube | $4,715.83 |
Variable Unit Cost | $18,713.63 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $9,924.75 |
Equipment* | $8,801.19 |
Labour | $880.12 |
Rental and Parts | $2,640.36 |
Fuel and Lube | $5,280.72 |
Variable Unit Cost | $18,725.94 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $31,383.40 |
Equipment* | $33,998.69 |
Labour | $3,399.87 |
Rental and Parts | $10,199.60 |
Fuel and Lube | $20,399.22 |
Variable Unit Cost | $65,382.07 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $17,860.07 |
Equipment* | $19,348.40 |
Labour | $1,934.84 |
Rental and Parts | $5,804.52 |
Fuel and Lube | $11,609.04 |
Variable Unit Cost | $37,208.48 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $31,305.09 |
Equipment* | $33,913.85 |
Labour | $3,391.38 |
Rental and Parts | $10,174.15 |
Fuel and Lube | $20,348.31 |
Variable Unit Cost | $65,218.95 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
O&M Component | Component Unit Cost Per each |
Labour | $17,860.07 |
Equipment* | $19,348.40 |
Labour | $1,934.84 |
Rental and Parts | $5,804.52 |
Fuel and Lube | $11,609.04 |
Variable Unit Cost | $37,208.48 |
Base Unit Cost | $0.00 |
Table 2 - City centre indices (2023)
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
1. Halifax | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 1.03 |
2. Sydney | 1.17 | 1.17 | 1.17 | 1.17 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 |
3. Moncton | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 1.03 |
4. Fredericton | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 1.03 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
5. Quebec | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 |
6. Montreal | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 | 0.98 |
7. Rouyn | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 |
8. Sept-Iles | 1.16 | 1.16 | 1.16 | 1.16 | 1.16 | 1.16 | 1.16 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
9.Toronto | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
10.Ottawa | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 |
11.London | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
12.Sault-Ste-Marie | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 |
13. Thunder Bay | 1.20 | 1.20 | 1.20 | 1.20 | 1.20 | 1.20 | 1.20 |
14.Sudbury | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 |
15.Timmins | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.18 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
16. Winnipeg | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 |
17. Thompson | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 |
18. The Pas | 1.29 | 1.29 | 1.29 | 1.29 | 1.29 | 1.29 | 1.29 |
19. Brandon | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
20. Regina | 1.03 | 1.03 | 1.03 | 1.03 | 1.03 | 1.03 | 1.03 |
21.Saskatoon | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.05 |
22.Prince Albert | 1.13 | 1.13 | 1.13 | 1.13 | 1.13 | 1.13 | 1.13 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
23.Calgary | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 |
24. Edmonton | 1.02 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 |
25. High Level | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 | 1.30 |
26. Fort McMurray | 1.35 | 1.35 | 1.35 | 1.35 | 1.41 | 1.41 | 1.35 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
27. Vancouver | 1.05 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.07 |
28. Victoria | 1.16 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.16 | 1.16 | 1.18 |
29. Kamloops | 1.05 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.05 | 1.05 | 1.07 |
30. Prince George | 1.10 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.12 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 1.16 |
31. Prince Rupert | 1.26 | 1.36 | 1.36 | 1.36 | 1.17 | 1.21 | 1.26 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
32. Whitehorse | 1.25 | 1.35 | 1.35 | 1.35 | 1.15 | 1.20 | 1.25 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
33. St. John's | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.19 |
City Centres | Buildings (Category A) |
Water & Wastewater (Category B, Class B1 &B2) |
Electrical (Category B, Class B3) |
Vehicles (Category E) |
Earth & Gravel Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Paved & BST Roads (Category D, Class D1) |
Bridges (Category D, Class D2) |
34. Yellowknife | 1.24 | 1.24 | 1.24 | 1.24 | 1.24 | 1.24 | 1.24 |
Table 3 - Remoteness cost adjustment factors
The remoteness index is a continuous remoteness measure and values range from 0 to 1, with 1 representing the most remote . The indices are expressed as remoteness cost adjustment factors for application in the O&M formulas.
Remoteness indices are between 0 and 1. The model uses proximity (travel time) to multiple population centers within a given radius for daily interaction (150 minutes) with a separate airfare factor for fly-in communities. The population size of the population centre is used in the computation as a proxy for the availability of services in the respective population centre.
Cost Adjustment Factor = (0.7 * Employment Allowance Factor + 0.3 * Shipping Cost) + 1
Employment Allowance Factor = 0.600 * Remoteness Index + 0.382 * Fly-in (1 if yes, 0 if no)
Shipping Cost = 1.011 * Remoteness Index + 1.360 * Fly-in (1 if yes, 0 if no)
*Constants derived from statistical modeling
*Remoteness Index of less than 0.30 does not have a cost adjustment factor (similar to the previous Zone 1).
Band | Remoteness Index | Fly-in | Cost Adjustment Factor |
1 - Abegweit | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
2 - Lennox Island | 0.38 | No | 1.27 |
3 - Elsipogtog First Nation | 0.33 | No | 1.24 |
4 - Buctouche MicMac | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
5 - Esgenoopetitj First Nation | 0.38 | No | 1.27 |
6 - Madawaska Maliseet First Nation | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
7 - Eel Ground | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
8 - Eel River Bar First Nation | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
9 - Fort Folly | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
10 - Indian Island | 0.33 | No | 1.24 |
11 - Kingsclear | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
12 - Oromocto First Nation | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
13 - Pabineau | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
14 - Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
15 - Saint Mary's | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
16 - Tobique | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
17 - Woodstock | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
18 - Acadia | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
19 - Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
20 - Annapolis Valley | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
21 - Bear River | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
22 - Potlotek First Nation | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
23 - Eskasoni | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
24 - Pictou Landing | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
25 - SIPEKNE'KATIK | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
26 - Membertou | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
27 - Millbrook | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
28 - Wagmatcook | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
29 - We'koqma'q First Nation | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
30 - Glooscap First Nation | 0.28 | No | 1.00 |
32 - Mushuau Innu First Nation | 0.82 | Yes | 2.26 |
33 - Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
50 - Nation Huronne Wendat | 0.14 | No | 1.00 |
51 - Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
52 - Micmacs of Gesgapegiag | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
54 - Première Nation Wolastoqiyik (Malécite) Wahsipekuk | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
55 - Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni | 0.38 | No | 1.28 |
62 - Communauté anicinape de Kitcisakik | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
63 - Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
64 - Timiskaming First Nation | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
65 - Kebaowek First Nation | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
67 - Long Point First Nation | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
69 - Mohawks of Kanesatake | 0.09 | No | 1.00 |
70 - Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke | 0.07 | No | 1.00 |
71 - Première Nation des Abénakis de Wôlinak | 0.13 | No | 1.00 |
72 - Odanak | 0.13 | No | 1.00 |
73 - Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
74 - Algonquins of Barriere Lake | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
76 - Première Nation des Pekuakamiulnuatsh | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
77 - Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci | 0.60 | No | 1.43 |
78 - Les Atikamekw de Manawan | 0.56 | No | 1.41 |
79 - Atikamekw d'Opitciwan | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
80 - Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
82 - Les Innus de Ekuanitshit | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
83 - Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan | 0.68 | No | 1.49 |
84 - Montagnais de Unamen Shipu | 0.75 | Yes | 2.21 |
85 - Bande des Innus de Pessamit | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
86 - Innue Essipit | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
87 - La Nation Innu Matimekush-Lac John | 0.70 | Yes | 2.18 |
88 - Montagnais de Pakua Shipi | 0.79 | Yes | 2.24 |
120 - Mississaugas of the Credit | 0.09 | No | 1.00 |
121 - Six Nations of the Grand River | 0.08 | No | 1.00 |
122 - Chippewas of Nawash First Nation | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
123 - Saugeen | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
124 - Big Grassy | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
125 - Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing | 0.62 | No | 1.45 |
126 - Couchiching First Nation | 0.46 | No | 1.33 |
127 - Lac La Croix | 0.73 | No | 1.52 |
128 - Naicatchewenin | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
129 - Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
130 - Rainy River First Nations | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
131 - Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation | 0.53 | No | 1.38 |
132 - Seine River First Nation | 0.56 | No | 1.40 |
133 - Mitaanjigamiing First Nation | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
134 - Wahta Mohawk | 0.12 | No | 1.00 |
135 - Moose Deer Point | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
136 - Wasauksing First Nation | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
137 - Shawanaga First Nation | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
138 - Chippewas of Georgina Island | 0.12 | No | 1.00 |
139 - Chippewas of Rama First Nation | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
140 - Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation | 0.09 | No | 1.00 |
141 - Beausoleil | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
142 - Albany | 0.85 | Yes | 2.29 |
143 - Attawapiskat | 0.57 | Yes | 2.09 |
144 - Moose Cree First Nation | 0.56 | Yes | 2.08 |
145 - Taykwa Tagamou Nation | 0.46 | No | 1.33 |
146 - Weenusk | 0.90 | Yes | 2.32 |
147 - Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
148 - Eagle Lake | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
149 - Grassy Narrows First Nation | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
150 - Wabaseemoong Independent Nations | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
151 - Northwest Angle No.33 | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
152 - Animakee Wa Zhing #37 | 0.52 | No | 1.37 |
153 - Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
154 - Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
155 - Shoal Lake No.40 | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
156 - Wabauskang First Nation | 0.55 | No | 1.40 |
157 - Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
158 - Naotkamegwanning | 0.52 | No | 1.38 |
159 - Mohawks of Akwesasne | 0.14 | No | 1.00 |
160 - Alderville First Nation | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
161 - Curve Lake | 0.14 | No | 1.00 |
162 - Hiawatha First Nation | 0.12 | No | 1.00 |
163 - Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
164 - Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte | 0.14 | No | 1.00 |
166 - Chippewas of the Thames First Nation | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
167 - Moravian of the Thames | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
168 - Munsee-Delaware Nation | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
169 - Oneida Nation of the Thames | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
170 - Walpole Island | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
171 - Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point | 0.20 | No | 1.00 |
172 - Aamjiwnaang | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
173 - Zhiibaahaasing First Nation | 0.72 | No | 1.52 |
174 - Magnetawan | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
175 - Wikwemikong | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
176 - Sheguiandah | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
178 - Sheshegwaning | 0.63 | No | 1.46 |
179 - Sagamok Anishnawbek | 0.38 | No | 1.27 |
180 - Aundeck-Omni-Kaning | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
181 - M'Chigeeng First Nation | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
182 - Constance Lake | 0.54 | No | 1.39 |
183 - Eabametoong First Nation | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
184 - Long Lake No.58 First Nation | 0.54 | No | 1.39 |
185 - Ginoogaming First Nation | 0.55 | No | 1.40 |
186 - Martin Falls | 0.61 | Yes | 2.12 |
187 - Fort William | 0.31 | No | 1.00 |
188 - Gull Bay | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
189 - Lac Des Mille Lacs | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
190 - Whitesand | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
191 - Pays Plat | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
192 - Biigtigong Nishnaabeg | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
193 - Red Rock | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
195 - Netmizaaggamig Nishaabeg | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
196 - Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
197 - Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
198 - Batchewana First Nation | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
199 - Garden River First Nation | 0.33 | No | 1.24 |
200 - Mississauga | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
201 - Serpent River | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
202 - Thessalon | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
203 - Mishkeegogamang | 0.72 | No | 1.52 |
204 - North Caribou Lake | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
205 - Lac Seul | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
206 - Wapekeka | 0.84 | Yes | 2.28 |
207 - Bearskin Lake | 0.82 | Yes | 2.27 |
208 - Pikangikum | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
209 - Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug | 0.82 | Yes | 2.27 |
210 - Kasabonika Lake | 0.83 | Yes | 2.28 |
211 - Sandy Lake | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
212 - Kingfisher | 0.83 | Yes | 2.28 |
213 - Muskrat Dam Lake | 0.82 | Yes | 2.27 |
214 - Sachigo Lake | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
215 - Fort Severn | 0.86 | Yes | 2.29 |
216 - Cat Lake | 0.81 | Yes | 2.26 |
217 - Wunnumin | 0.83 | Yes | 2.28 |
218 - Dokis | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
219 - Matachewan | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
220 - Nipissing First Nation | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
221 - Chapleau Cree First Nation | 0.57 | No | 1.42 |
222 - Temagami First Nation | 0.43 | Yes | 1.99 |
224 - Atikameksheng Anishnawbek | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
225 - Michipicoten | 0.60 | No | 1.43 |
226 - Mattagami | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
228 - Brunswick House | 0.57 | No | 1.42 |
229 - Chapleau Ojibway | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
230 - Whitefish River | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
231 - Henvey Inlet First Nation | 0.31 | No | 1.23 |
232 - Wahnapitae | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
233 - Wahgoshig First Nation | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
234 - Wawakapewin | 0.86 | Yes | 2.29 |
235 - Washagamis Bay | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
236 - Poplar Hill | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
237 - Deer Lake | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
238 - North Spirit Lake | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
239 - Neskantaga First Nation | 0.83 | Yes | 2.28 |
240 - Webequie | 0.84 | Yes | 2.28 |
241 - Nibinamik First Nation | 0.83 | Yes | 2.27 |
242 - Aroland | 0.65 | No | 1.47 |
243 - Kashechewan | 0.85 | Yes | 2.29 |
258 - Ojibway Nation of Saugeen | 0.67 | No | 1.48 |
259 - Slate Falls Nation | 0.72 | No | 1.52 |
260 - Black River First Nation | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
261 - Brokenhead Ojibway Nation | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
262 - Fort Alexander | 0.28 | No | 1.00 |
263 - Hollow Water | 0.65 | No | 1.47 |
264 - Fisher River | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
265 - Buffalo Point First Nation | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
266 - Berens River | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
267 - Bloodvein | 0.73 | No | 1.53 |
268 - Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation | 0.77 | No | 1.56 |
269 - Peguis | 0.56 | No | 1.41 |
270 - Little Grand Rapids | 0.41 | Yes | 1.97 |
271 - Lake Manitoba | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
272 - Pinaymootang First Nation | 0.59 | No | 1.42 |
273 - Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Government | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
274 - Little Saskatchewan | 0.70 | No | 1.50 |
275 - Lake St. Martin | 0.74 | No | 1.54 |
276 - Cross Lake Band of Indians | 0.55 | No | 1.40 |
277 - Poplar River First Nation | 0.90 | Yes | 2.32 |
278 - Norway House Cree Nation | 0.69 | No | 1.50 |
279 - O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation | 0.60 | No | 1.44 |
280 - Ebb and Flow | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
281 - Skownan First Nation | 0.59 | No | 1.42 |
282 - Pine Creek | 0.55 | No | 1.40 |
283 - Sandy Bay | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
284 - Birdtail Sioux | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
285 - Waywayseecappo First Nation Treaty Four - 1874 | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
286 - Keeseekoowenin | 0.41 | No | 1.29 |
287 - Long Plain | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
288 - Dakota Plains | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
289 - Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
291 - Rolling River | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
292 - Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve | 0.46 | No | 1.34 |
293 - Swan Lake | 0.28 | No | 1.00 |
294 - Gambler First Nation | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
295 - Dakota Tipi | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
296 - God's Lake First Nation | 0.72 | Yes | 2.19 |
297 - Garden Hill First Nations | 0.60 | Yes | 2.11 |
298 - St. Theresa Point | 0.60 | Yes | 2.11 |
299 - Wasagamack First Nation | 0.60 | Yes | 2.11 |
300 - Red Sucker Lake | 0.47 | Yes | 2.01 |
301 - Bunibonibee Cree Nation | 0.70 | Yes | 2.18 |
302 - Manto Sipi Cree Nation | 0.72 | Yes | 2.19 |
303 - Sayisi Dene First Nation | 0.92 | Yes | 2.34 |
304 - York Factory First Nation | 0.60 | No | 1.44 |
305 - Fox Lake | 0.72 | No | 1.52 |
306 - Tataskweyak Cree Nation | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
307 - Shamattawa First Nation | 0.74 | Yes | 2.21 |
308 - Barren Lands | 0.73 | Yes | 2.20 |
309 - Chemawawin Cree Nation | 0.65 | No | 1.47 |
310 - Misipawistik Cree Nation | 0.66 | No | 1.48 |
311 - Mathias Colomb | 0.73 | Yes | 2.20 |
312 - Mosakahiken Cree Nation | 0.59 | No | 1.42 |
313 - Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation | 0.55 | No | 1.40 |
314 - Sapotaweyak Cree Nation | 0.64 | No | 1.46 |
315 - Opaskwayak Cree Nation | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
316 - Dauphin River | 0.77 | No | 1.56 |
317 - Northlands Denesuline First Nation | 0.74 | Yes | 2.21 |
318 - O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
323 - War Lake First Nation | 0.62 | No | 1.45 |
324 - Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation | 0.48 | No | 1.34 |
325 - Kee-Way-Win | 0.84 | Yes | 2.28 |
327 - Pauingassi First Nation | 0.46 | Yes | 2.01 |
328 - Marcel Colomb First Nation | 0.64 | No | 1.46 |
340 - Little Pine | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
341 - Lucky Man | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
342 - Moosomin | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
343 - Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nations | 0.33 | No | 1.24 |
344 - Onion Lake Cree Nation | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
345 - Poundmaker | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
346 - Red Pheasant | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
347 - Saulteaux | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
348 - Sweetgrass | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
349 - Thunderchild First Nation | 0.46 | No | 1.33 |
350 - Cumberland House Cree Nation | 0.69 | No | 1.50 |
351 - Fond du Lac | 0.71 | Yes | 2.19 |
352 - Hatchet Lake | 0.71 | Yes | 2.19 |
353 - Lac La Ronge | 0.52 | No | 1.38 |
354 - Montreal Lake | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
355 - Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
356 - Red Earth | 0.59 | No | 1.43 |
357 - Shoal Lake Cree Nation | 0.60 | No | 1.43 |
358 - Wahpeton Dakota Nation | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
359 - Black Lake | 0.86 | No | 1.62 |
360 - Sturgeon Lake First Nation | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
361 - Cowessess | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
362 - Kahkewistahaw | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
363 - Ochapowace | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
364 - Zagime Anishinabek | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
365 - White Bear | 0.35 | No | 1.26 |
366 - Cote First Nation 366 | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
367 - Keeseekoose | 0.46 | No | 1.33 |
368 - The Key First Nation | 0.46 | No | 1.33 |
369 - Beardy's and Okemasis | 0.31 | No | 1.00 |
370 - James Smith | 0.42 | No | 1.31 |
371 - Muskoday First Nation | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
372 - Whitecap Dakota First Nation | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
373 - One Arrow First Nation | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
374 - Mistawasis Nêhiyawak | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
375 - Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 | 0.33 | No | 1.24 |
376 - Yellow Quill | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
377 - Kinistin Saulteaux Nation | 0.46 | No | 1.33 |
378 - Carry The Kettle | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
379 - Little Black Bear | 0.35 | No | 1.26 |
380 - Nekaneet | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
381 - Muscowpetung | 0.31 | No | 1.00 |
382 - Okanese | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
383 - Pasqua First Nation #79 | 0.31 | No | 1.22 |
384 - Peepeekisis Cree Nation No.81 | 0.33 | No | 1.24 |
385 - Piapot | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
386 - Standing Buffalo | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
387 - Star Blanket Cree Nation | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
388 - Wood Mountain | 0.52 | No | 1.37 |
389 - Day Star | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
390 - Fishing Lake First Nation | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
391 - George Gordon First Nation | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
392 - Muskowekwan | 0.35 | No | 1.26 |
393 - Kawacatoose | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
394 - Canoe Lake Cree First Nation | 0.65 | No | 1.47 |
395 - Flying Dust First Nation | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
396 - Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
397 - Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
398 - Buffalo River Dene Nation | 0.68 | No | 1.49 |
399 - Big Island Lake Cree Nation | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
400 - English River First Nation | 0.67 | No | 1.49 |
401 - Clearwater River Dene | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
402 - Waterhen Lake | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
403 - Birch Narrows First Nation | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
404 - Big River | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
405 - Pelican Lake | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
406 - Ahtahkakoop | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
407 - Witchekan Lake | 0.45 | No | 1.33 |
408 - Ocean Man | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
409 - Pheasant Rump Nakota | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
430 - Siksika Nation | 0.20 | No | 1.00 |
431 - O'Chiese | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
432 - Tsuut'ina Nation | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
434 - Sunchild First Nation | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
435 - Blood | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
436 - Piikani Nation | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
437 - Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation | 0.21 | No | 1.00 |
438 - Alexander | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
439 - Louis Bull | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
440 - Enoch Cree Nation #440 | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
441 - Paul | 0.20 | No | 1.00 |
442 - Montana | 0.20 | No | 1.00 |
443 - Ermineskin Tribe | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
444 - Samson | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
445 - Beaver First Nation | 0.59 | No | 1.43 |
446 - Tallcree Tribal Government | 0.63 | No | 1.46 |
447 - Little Red River Cree Nation | 0.74 | Yes | 2.21 |
448 - Dene Tha' | 0.63 | No | 1.46 |
449 - Horse Lake First Nation | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
450 - Driftpile Cree Nation | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
451 - Duncan's First Nation | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
452 - Kapawe'no First Nation | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
453 - Lubicon Lake | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
455 - Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
456 - Sucker Creek | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
457 - Swan River First Nation | 0.47 | No | 1.34 |
458 - Bigstone Cree Nation | 0.59 | No | 1.43 |
459 - Whitefish Lake | 0.56 | No | 1.40 |
460 - Beaver Lake Cree Nation | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
461 - Mikisew Cree First Nation | 0.59 | Yes | 2.10 |
462 - Saddle Lake Cree Nation | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
463 - Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation | 0.59 | Yes | 2.10 |
464 - Cold Lake First Nations | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
465 - Frog Lake | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
466 - Kehewin Cree Nation | 0.38 | No | 1.28 |
467 - Fort McKay First Nation | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
468 - Fort McMurray #468 First Nation | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
469 - Heart Lake | 0.56 | No | 1.41 |
470 - Chipewyan Prairie First Nation | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
471 - Stoney | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
474 - Woodland Cree First Nation | 0.56 | No | 1.40 |
476 - Loon River Cree | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
477 - Smith's Landing First Nation | 0.56 | No | 1.41 |
478 - Peerless Trout First Nation | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
497 - Ross River Dena Council | 0.64 | No | 1.46 |
501 - Taku River Tlingit | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
502 - Liard First Nation | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
504 - Dease River | 0.64 | No | 1.46 |
506 - White River First Nation | 0.64 | No | 1.46 |
530 - Witset First Nation | 0.49 | No | 1.35 |
531 - Gitanmaax | 0.52 | No | 1.38 |
532 - Kispiox | 0.53 | No | 1.39 |
533 - Glen Vowell | 0.53 | No | 1.38 |
534 - Hagwilget First Nation Government | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
535 - Gitsegukla | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
536 - Gitwangak | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
537 - Gitanyow | 0.53 | No | 1.38 |
538 - Heiltsuk | 0.66 | Yes | 2.15 |
539 - Nuxalk Nation | 0.73 | No | 1.53 |
540 - Kitasoo | 0.68 | Yes | 2.16 |
541 - Wuikinuxv Nation | 0.82 | Yes | 2.27 |
542 - Saulteau First Nations | 0.49 | No | 1.36 |
543 - Fort Nelson First Nation | 0.52 | No | 1.38 |
544 - Prophet River First Nation | 0.63 | No | 1.46 |
545 - West Moberly First Nations | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
546 - Halfway River First Nation | 0.54 | No | 1.39 |
547 - Blueberry River First Nations | 0.53 | No | 1.38 |
548 - Doig River First Nation | 0.49 | No | 1.35 |
549 - Tsleil-Waututh Nation | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
550 - Musqueam | 0.12 | No | 1.00 |
552 - Homalco | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
553 - Klahoose First Nation | 0.44 | Yes | 1.99 |
555 - Squamish | 0.13 | No | 1.00 |
556 - N'Quatqua | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
557 - Lil'wat Nation | 0.23 | No | 1.00 |
558 - Aitchelitz | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
559 - Sts'ailes | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
560 - Kwikwetlem First Nation | 0.08 | No | 1.00 |
561 - Douglas | 0.72 | Yes | 2.20 |
562 - Skatin Nations | 0.59 | Yes | 2.10 |
563 - Katzie | 0.12 | No | 1.00 |
564 - Kwantlen First Nation | 0.12 | No | 1.00 |
565 - Matsqui First Nation | 0.13 | No | 1.00 |
567 - Samahquam | 0.53 | Yes | 2.05 |
568 - Sq'éwlets | 0.17 | No | 1.00 |
569 - Semiahmoo | 0.11 | No | 1.00 |
570 - Shxwhá:y Village | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
571 - Skowkale | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
572 - Soowahlie | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
573 - Skwah | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
574 - Squiala First Nation | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
575 - Tzeachten | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
576 - Yakweakwioose | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
578 - Sumas First Nation | 0.14 | No | 1.00 |
579 - Leq'á:mel First Nation | 0.17 | No | 1.00 |
580 - Kwaw-kwaw-Apilt | 0.15 | No | 1.00 |
581 - Seabird Island | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
582 - Skawahlook First Nation | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
583 - Chawathil | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
584 - Cheam | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
586 - Peters First Nation | 0.16 | No | 1.00 |
587 - Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation | 0.17 | No | 1.00 |
588 - Union Bar First Nation | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
589 - Yale First Nation | 0.18 | No | 1.00 |
590 - Bridge River | 0.53 | No | 1.39 |
591 - Cayoose Creek | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
592 - Xaxli'p | 0.42 | No | 1.31 |
593 - T'it'q'et | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
594 - Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
595 - Tsal'alh | 0.67 | Yes | 2.16 |
596 - Osoyoos | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
597 - Penticton | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
598 - Lower Similkameen | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
599 - Upper Similkameen | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
600 - Splatsin | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
602 - ?aqam | 0.38 | No | 1.27 |
603 - Tobacco Plains | 0.45 | No | 1.32 |
604 - ?Akisq'nuk First Nation | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
605 - Shuswap | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
606 - Lower Kootenay | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
607 - Lake Babine Nation | 0.55 | No | 1.40 |
608 - Takla Nation | 0.79 | Yes | 2.24 |
609 - Tsay Keh Dene | 0.73 | Yes | 2.20 |
610 - Kwadacha | 0.75 | Yes | 2.21 |
611 - Lheidli T'enneh | 0.36 | No | 1.26 |
612 - Nadleh Whuten | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
613 - Stellat'en First Nation | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
614 - Nak'azdli Whut'en | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
615 - Saik'uz First Nation | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
616 - Okanagan | 0.28 | No | 1.00 |
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation | 0.65 | No | 1.47 |
618 - McLeod Lake | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
619 - Burns Lake | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
620 - Cheslatta Carrier Nation | 0.63 | No | 1.46 |
622 - Campbell River | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
623 - Cape Mudge | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
624 - K'ómoks First Nation | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
625 - Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis | 0.79 | Yes | 2.24 |
626 - Kwakiutl | 0.52 | No | 1.37 |
627 - Gwawaenuk Tribe | 0.79 | Yes | 2.25 |
630 - Mowachaht/Muchalaht | 0.45 | No | 1.33 |
631 - Namgis First Nation | 0.59 | No | 1.42 |
632 - Tlatlasikwala | 0.78 | Yes | 2.24 |
633 - Quatsino | 0.54 | No | 1.39 |
634 - Ehattesaht | 0.64 | Yes | 2.13 |
635 - Da'naxda'xw First Nation | 0.71 | No | 1.51 |
636 - Dzawada'enuxw First Nation | 0.81 | Yes | 2.26 |
639 - Nuchatlaht | 0.71 | Yes | 2.19 |
640 - Beecher Bay | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
641 - Stz'uminus First Nation | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
642 - Cowichan | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
643 - Ts'uubaa-asatx | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
644 - Esquimalt | 0.21 | No | 1.00 |
645 - Halalt | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
646 - Lyackson | 0.52 | Yes | 2.05 |
647 - Malahat Nation | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation | 0.24 | No | 1.00 |
649 - Nanoose First Nation | 0.25 | No | 1.00 |
650 - Penelakut Tribe | 0.28 | Yes | 1.67 |
651 - Qualicum First Nation | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
652 - Pauquachin | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
653 - Tsartlip | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
654 - Tsawout First Nation | 0.19 | No | 1.00 |
655 - Tseycum | 0.23 | No | 1.00 |
656 - Songhees Nation | 0.21 | No | 1.00 |
657 - T'Sou-ke First Nation | 0.26 | No | 1.00 |
658 - Pacheedaht First Nation | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
659 - Ahousaht | 0.70 | Yes | 2.18 |
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations | 0.53 | Yes | 2.06 |
661 - Hesquiaht | 0.72 | Yes | 2.20 |
662 - Ditidaht | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
664 - Hupacasath First Nation | 0.31 | No | 1.23 |
665 - Tseshaht | 0.31 | No | 1.23 |
669 - Old Massett Village Council | 0.66 | Yes | 2.15 |
670 - Skidegate | 0.63 | Yes | 2.13 |
672 - Gitxaala Nation | 0.58 | Yes | 2.09 |
673 - Metlakatla First Nation | 0.47 | Yes | 2.01 |
674 - Lax Kw'alaams | 0.55 | Yes | 2.07 |
675 - Gitga'at First Nation | 0.62 | Yes | 2.12 |
676 - Haisla Nation | 0.48 | No | 1.35 |
680 - Kitselas | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
681 - Kitsumkalum | 0.41 | No | 1.30 |
682 - Tahltan | 0.66 | No | 1.47 |
683 - Iskut | 0.72 | No | 1.52 |
684 - Adams Lake | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
685 - Ashcroft | 0.37 | No | 1.27 |
686 - Bonaparte First Nation | 0.38 | No | 1.27 |
687 - Skeetchestn | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
688 - Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc | 0.27 | No | 1.00 |
689 - Little Shuswap Lake | 0.32 | No | 1.23 |
690 - Neskonlith | 0.31 | No | 1.00 |
691 - Simpcw First Nation | 0.40 | No | 1.29 |
692 - Oregon Jack Creek | 0.39 | No | 1.28 |
693 - Coldwater | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
694 - Cook's Ferry | 0.38 | No | 1.27 |
695 - Lower Nicola | 0.29 | No | 1.00 |
696 - Nicomen | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
697 - Upper Nicola | 0.31 | No | 1.23 |
698 - Shackan | 0.34 | No | 1.24 |
699 - Nooaitch | 0.30 | No | 1.00 |
700 - Boothroyd | 0.23 | No | 1.00 |
701 - Boston Bar First Nation | 0.21 | No | 1.00 |
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
704 - Kanaka Bar | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
705 - Lytton | 0.43 | No | 1.31 |
706 - Siska | 0.34 | No | 1.25 |
707 - Skuppah | 0.35 | No | 1.25 |
708 - Spuzzum | 0.20 | No | 1.00 |
709 - ?Esdilagh First Nation | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
710 - Tŝideldel First Nation | 0.62 | No | 1.45 |
711 - Esk'etemc | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
712 - Tl'etinqox Government | 0.59 | No | 1.42 |
713 - Canim Lake | 0.54 | No | 1.39 |
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government | 0.63 | No | 1.45 |
715 - Lhtako Dene Nation | 0.38 | No | 1.28 |
716 - Soda Creek | 0.42 | No | 1.30 |
717 - Yunesit'in Government | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
718 - Toosey | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
719 - Williams Lake First Nation | 0.42 | No | 1.31 |
720 - Nazko First Nation | 0.58 | No | 1.42 |
721 - Lhoosk'uz Dene Nation | 0.76 | Yes | 2.22 |
722 - Ulkatcho | 0.66 | No | 1.47 |
723 - Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation | 0.57 | No | 1.41 |
724 - Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw | 0.50 | No | 1.36 |
725 - Wet'suwet'en First Nation | 0.51 | No | 1.37 |
726 - Nee-Tahi-Buhn | 0.68 | No | 1.49 |
728 - Yekooche First Nation | 0.73 | No | 1.53 |
729 - Skin Tyee | 0.64 | No | 1.47 |
730 - Binche Whut'en | 0.44 | No | 1.32 |
841 - NORTHWEST ANGLE 37 WINDIGO | 0.86 | No | 1.62 |
922 - DIST/AGENCY OFFICE | 0.86 | No | 1.62 |
928 - REGIONAL OFFICE | 0.86 | No | 1.62 |
948 - ALERT BAY INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL | 0.86 | No | 1.62 |
1059 - DAYLU DENA COUNCIL | 0.61 | No | 1.44 |
3448 - Taki Kayoh Tou Society | 0.63 | No | 1.46 |
Table 4 - Net funding factors
Capital Asset | Net Funding Factor |
A1A - Office | 0.45 |
A2A - Trade Shop/Workshop (Municipal) | 0.45 |
A2B - Garage (Municipal) | 0.45 |
A2C - Warehouse (Band) | 0.45 |
A2G - Warehouse (School) | 0.45 |
A3B – Daycare Centre | 0.45 |
A3H – Fire Station | 0.90 |
A5A – Water Supply/Treatment | 1.00 |
A5B – Wastewater Treatment Disposal | 1.00 |
A5C – Electric Power Generation | 0.80 |
A5E – Central Heating Plant | 0.80 |
A6A - Community Recreation Centre/Hall/Cultural Centre | 0.45 |
A6B - Arena | 0.45 |
A6C - Gymnasium | 0.45 |
A6D – Indoor Swimming Pool | 0.45 |
A6E - Club House/Youth Centre/Senior Citizen/Drop-in | 0.45 |
B1A – Heated Water Mains | 1.00 |
B1B – Water Mains | 1.00 |
B1C – Water Treatment Plant | 1.00 |
B1D – Water Treatment Unit | 1.00 |
B1E – Water Storage | 1.00 |
B1F – Community Wells | 1.00 |
B1G – Water Standpipes | 1.00 |
B1H – High Level Lift Station | 1.00 |
B1I – Low Level Lift Station | 1.00 |
B2A – Sanitary Main | 1.00 |
B2B – Storm Main | 1.00 |
B2C - RBC/Trickling Filter | 1.00 |
B2D - Extended Aeration Plant | 1.00 |
B2E – Lagoon | 1.00 |
B2F – Community Septic Tank | 1.00 |
B2G – Jet Pump Disposal | 1.00 |
B2H – Lift Station | 1.00 |
B2I - Aerated Lagoon | 1.00 |
B2J – Force Mains | 1.00 |
B2Q – Low Pressure Connection | 1.00 |
B3A – Mini-Hydro | 0.90 |
B3B - Diesel Generators | 0.90 |
B3C – Street Lights | 0.90 |
B3D - Transmission Lines | 0.90 |
B3E - Distribution Lines | 0.90 |
D1A – Earth Roads | 0.90 |
D1B – Gravel Roads | 0.90 |
D1C – Surface Treated Roads | 0.90 |
D1D – Paved Roads | 0.90 |
D2A – Vehicular Bridges | 0.90 |
D2B – Pedestrian Bridges | 0.90 |
D2C – Large Culverts | 0.90 |
E1A – Mini-Pumper | 0.90 |
E1B – Triple Combination Pumper | 0.90 |
E3A – Commercial Pumper | 1.00 |
E3B – Unmodified Vehicle | 1.00 |
E4A – Commercial Tanker | 1.00 |
E4B - Unmodified Vehicle | 1.00 |
Table 5 - Operation and maintenance cost definitions
Maintenance Management Plans
A Maintenance Management Plan is a compilation of records in the form of binders or computer files that formalizes the planning, scheduling, documentation and reporting of preventative maintenance activities, and provides a method of recording unscheduled or corrective maintenance activities.
Maintenance management planning includes record keeping to meet the day-to-day operational and maintenance needs for a community infrastructure. Record keeping of the time/human resources, cost and frequency of preventative maintenance, work orders and unplanned corrective maintenance.
Building Assets
The following information provides building asset definitions and costing elements related to the calculation of the unit cost for operation and maintenance funding . Unit cost is one component of the operations and maintenance funding formula. The unit of measure for all buildings is the floor space external dimension in square metres.
Activities include cleaning and custodial services, ancillary costs, minor repairs and maintenance, and ground maintenance.
The cost elements, parameters and exclusions for buildings with the exception of A5 (utility buildings), are as follows:
- salaries and contractor services
- preventive maintenance inspections
- supplies, materials
- supplies for cleaning, and washroom products
- equipment and tools purchase, rental and repair
- water supply and sewage disposal for small building type, or as part of municipal supply
- solid waste disposal including site incineration or site only collection
- electricity and heating fuels
- snow removal by personnel or contractor
- fire protection such as alarm system and repair; extinguisher, recharge and repair; off-reserve fire department services; telephone lines related to alarm, and on-reserve services
- exterior grounds maintenance; grass cutting, minor landscaping, general cleaning and snow removal.
- emergency repairs such as window repairs, painting, etc.
- alterations, renovations, additions
- appliance/sports equipment purchase, repair or replacement
- audio-visual equipment rental, repair or purchase
- capital projects
- energy retrofit, major projects
- fire damage, repair or replacement costs
- furniture purchase, repair or replacement
- insurance premiums
- security guards
- taxes, local improvement
- taxes, property
- telephone or communication costs
The cost elements, parameters and exclusions for A5 utility buildings are as follows:
- snow removal by personnel or contractor
- salaries
- preventive maintenance inspections
- supplies, material
- equipment and tools purchase, rental and repair
- contracted repair and maintenance services
- emergency repairs such as window repairs, painting, etc.
- energy costs for building to be included with cost of utility
A1A – Office
A building or space in a building used as office space in which departmental programs or band administrative and managerial activities take place.
Typical inclusions: Band offices, administration buildings, and band council buildings.
Typical exclusions: Construction supervisor offices, rented office space, foreman offices in other classes of building (e.g. A2B garages), district offices not owned by the department.
A2A – Municipal Trade Shop/Workshop, A2B – Municipal Garage, A2C – Band Warehouse and A2G – School Warehouse
A building or space in a building where operation and maintenance activities are carried out. These would include equipment and vehicle repair; supplies, equipment and vehicle storage.
Typical inclusions: Buildings used as workshops, storage or warehouses such as storage of educational supplies, equipment and vehicles; community freezer and ice storage houses; and boat houses when used to carry-out operation and maintenance activities.
Typical exclusions: Nursery, green houses, barns or stables, forest fire towers, food banks, operative buildings used for commercial or industrial purposes.
A3B – Daycare Centre
A building or space in a building where educational and recreational activities below the kindergarten level are carried out. Space in the building may be provided for activity rooms, washrooms, office and staff rooms, kitchen, lunch room and storage.
Typical inclusions: Daycare centre including both permanent, portable or temporary accommodation.
Typical exclusions: Schools, space used for the care or rehabilitation of handicapped persons come under the institutional classification A3K, i.e. the training centre (trades, handicap) subclass.
A3H – Fire Station
A building or part of a building which accommodates fire suppression, prevention and inspection activities. Activities taking place in the building would include storage and minor maintenance of firefighting equipment and trucks, training, administration, control and dispatch of equipment. The building may include space for storage, workshop, office staff and training rooms/facilities, sleeping quarters and kitchen.
Typical inclusions: A single building or portion of a multipurpose building which must contain fire suppression apparatus.
Typical exclusions: Material storage buildings; office space for fire inspector in band administration buildings.
A5A - Water supply/treatment, A5B - Wastewater treatment/disposal, A5C - Electrical power generation and A5E - Central heating plant
A building which contains equipment and materials to support the municipal services (Category B - Utility) function. The building may contain pumps, piping, tanks, water and wastewater treatment equipment, power generation equipment, as well as office, washroom, laboratory and storage space.
Typical inclusions: water supply, distribution and treatment buildings, wastewater collection treatment and disposal buildings; and electrical power generating plant buildings.
Typical exclusions: Buildings used strictly for storage (for example treatment materials), reservoirs, wells, stand pipes, garages for the storage and maintenance of water and waste disposal vehicles; these buildings are to be included in the operative classification A2.
A6A - Community recreation centre/hall/cultural centre, A6B – Arena, A6C – Gymnasium, A6D - Indoor swimming pool and A6E - Club house/youth centre/senior citizen/drop-in
A building or space in a building where band or community recreation and cultural activities take place. These could include sports, exercise activities, community meetings, adult education cultural programs.
Typical inclusions: Types of buildings as listed above, curling rinks.
Typical exclusions: Churches, museums, marina, outdoor rinks and outdoor swimming pools; camp grounds; booths; shelters; sports fields; rodeo grounds.
Water and Wastewater Assets
The following information provides water and wastewater asset definitions and costing elements related to the calculation of operation and maintenance funding and the related activities. Unit cost is one component of the operations and maintenance funding formula.
The unit of measure for linear assets (mains) is the assets length in metres and for all other assets in this category the measure is each.
The cost elements and parameters for water assets (B1 coding) include:
- salaries, supplies, material, operating chemicals and motive power
- equipment and tools, including purchase, rental and repair of same.
- contracted minor repair and maintenance services
- water testing reagents (for B1C) and energy generate by grid system (for B1A).
- average hydrant parameters, spacing 140 m (design guidelines call for a max of 150m between hydrants)
The cost elements and parameters for wastewater assets (B2 coding) include:
- salaries, supplies, material, operating chemicals and motive power
- equipment and tools, including purchase, rental and repair of same
- contracted minor repair and maintenance services
- average manhole parameters, spacing of 120 metres
B1A - Heated Water Mains
All heat-traced piping used to convey water from source of supply to service line connection at the main.
Typical inclusions: All associated valves and hydrants.
Typical exclusions: Service lines from the service line connection at the main to the user.
Activities: Normal operations and inspection of heat trace, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, system (line) flushing of water mains and hydrants, chamber & valve maintenance & inspections; regular leak inspection of mains and hydrants; regular exercising of valves; maintenance of heat tracing components, including minor repairs and allowance for minor emergency repairs.
B1B - Water Mains
All piping (except B1A) used to convey water from source of supply to service line connection at the main.
Typical inclusions: All associated valves and hydrants.
Typical exclusions: Service lines from the service line connection at the main to the user.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, system (line) flushing of water mains and hydrants, chamber & valve maintenance & inspections; regular leak inspection of mains and hydrants; regular exercising of valves; and allowance for minor emergency repairs.
B1C - Water Treatment Plant
All equipment used for conventional water treatment.
Typical inclusions: Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, membranes, fluoride feed system, pH adjustment, GAC filtration, booster station, sludge storage, contact tank, absorption process, aerator and corrosion control.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, inspecting; painting; servicing; cleaning; flushing of pipes, valves and tanks; and sampling, testing and recording.
B1D - Water Treatment Unit
Equipment used for the treatment of a community water supply.
Typical inclusions: Softening unit, pressure filter - iron/manganese, arsenic absorption, prefabricated RO unit, UV disinfection, chlorination injection system or equivalent treatment. Each of the above items is one treatment unit.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, inspecting; painting; servicing; cleaning; flushing of pipes, valves and tanks; and sampling, testing and recording.
B1E - Water Storage
All above or below ground facilities, 20,000 litres or larger to store water for community use.
Typical inclusions: All drains, vents, overflows and related equipment.
Typical exclusions: Pressure tanks as these are considered to be included in B1F or B1H.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, dewater; inspect; clean and disinfect entire tank; and inspect chemical feed and level control system.
B1F - Community Wells
All groundwater wells used to supply water to the community at large.
Typical inclusions: Well pump, pressure tanks and chlorination equipment.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs including: inspection and servicing of well(s); maintenance of chlorination equipment; lubrication service for all pumps, valves, screens and other equipment; general cleaning; annual inspections; and minor repairs as required.
B1G - Water Standpipes
All equipment used for community watering points (standpipes). These would normally be provided on a piped water distribution system to enable users to collect their own water.
Typical inclusions: Heat-traced supply pipe, spring release mechanical valve and related equipment.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings, sheds and heated mains.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, inspect; clean and disinfect.
B1H - High Level Lift Station
All pumping facilities used to pressurize the main distribution system. In this case the source of raw water is usually either a community well or a low level pump house.
Typical inclusions: Pressure tanks, pumps, piping, valves and chlorination equipment.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings, high level lift station that is part of a water treatment system (refer to B1C-Water Treatment Plant).
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs including: maintenance of chlorination equipment; lubrication service for all pumps, valves, screens and other equipment; general cleaning and painting; annual inspections; and minor repairs as required.
B1I - Low Level Lift Station
All equipment to pump water from a surface water supply to treatment facilities or storage.
Typical inclusions: Intake line, raw well chamber, pumps, piping, valves and chlorination equipment.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs including: maintenance of chlorination equipment; lubrication service for all pumps, valves, screens and other equipment; general cleaning and painting; annual inspections; and minor repairs as required.
B2A - Sanitary Main
All piping used to transport wastewater from service line connection at the main to a community treatment plant or adjacent municipal connection.
Typical inclusions: Network of gravity mains, manholes and appurtenances associated with wastewater collection.
Typical exclusions: Service lines from the user to the service line connection at the main; lift stations and force mains.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as: regular inspection and cleaning of manholes; scheduled inspection and cleaning of collection system piping and allowance for minor emergency repairs.
B2B - Storm Main
All piping used to collect surface drainage from storm runoff.
Typical inclusions: Network of gravity mains, manholes and catch basins.
Typical exclusions: Ditches and culverts.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, regular inspection and cleaning of manholes; scheduled inspection and cleaning, where required, of storm system conveyance components; allowance for minor emergency repairs.
B2C - RBC/Trickling Filter
Mechanical treatment plant designed to treat community wastewater.
Typical inclusions: All equipment, tanks, filter media and processes associated with biological treatment; gravity outfall lines or septic field.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as: testing; preventive maintenance; general maintenance; lubrication service for all pumps, blowers, air compressors, mixers, valves and other equipment; cleaning and painting; sludge removal; yearly inspection; and minor repairs as required.
B2D - Extended Aeration Plant
Mechanical treatment plant designed to treat community wastewater.
Typical inclusions: All equipment, tanks, aeration system and processes associated with biological treatment; gravity outfall lines.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as: testing; preventive maintenance; general maintenance; lubrication service for all pumps, blowers, air compressors, mixers, valves and other equipment; cleaning and painting; sludge removal; yearly inspection; and minor repairs as required.
B2E – Lagoon
Lined earthen basin(s) designed to treat community wastewater.
Typical inclusions: All lagoon cells, inlet and outlet devices, piping and processes associated with biological treatment; gravity outfall lines.
Typical exclusions: Lift station and force main.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as: testing; control vegetation; chemical dosing; monitor/remove sludge built-up; repair/replace damaged rip-rap areas; preventive maintenance; general maintenance; yearly inspection; and minor repairs as required.
B2F - Community Septic Tank
Community septic tank/holding tank designed for wastewater disposal.
Typical inclusions: Disposal field.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as: inspect septic tank and field; control vegetation; preventive maintenance; sludge removal; yearly inspection; and minor repairs as required.
B2G - Jet Pump Disposal
Community septic tank designed for wastewater disposal by means of a sewage ejector system.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as: inspect septic/dosing tank and field; control vegetation; preventive maintenance; sludge removal; clean pump vault screen cartridge; and minor repairs as required.
B2H - Lift Station
All equipment used to lift wastewater from a low point in a collection system to a higher elevation.
Typical inclusions: Dry well, wet well, pumps, piping, valves and control panels.
Typical exclusions: Host buildings.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, station equipment; preventive maintenance; general maintenance and cleaning; lubrication service for all pumps, valves, screens and other equipment; sludge removal; yearly inspection and minor repairs as required.
B2I - Aerated Lagoon
Lagoon designed to treat community wastewater by means of mechanical aeration.
Typical inclusions: All lagoon cells, piping, aeration equipment and processes associated with biological treatment; gravity outfall lines.
Typical exclusions: Buildings housing mechanical treatment equipment.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, testing; control vegetation; control excessive growth of organic materials on the surface; chemical dosing; monitor/remove sludge built-up; repair/replace damaged rip-rap areas; preventive maintenance; general maintenance; cleaning and painting; yearly inspection; and minor repairs as required.
B2J - Force Main
All piping used to transport wastewater from a sewage lift station to a gravity collection system or community treatment plant.
Typical inclusions: All pressure mains and appurtenances.
Activities: Normal operations, routine maintenance and minor repairs, including: regular inspection; exercise valves and cleaning of valves, and any collection equipment; unplugging sewers; and allowance for minor emergency repairs.
B2Q - Low Pressure Connection
System to transport wastewater from user to community treatment plant or adjacent municipal connection through low pressure mains, septic tanks to settle the solids and pumps (non-grinder) to pump liquid from the septic tank to the main.
Typical inclusions: Septic tanks, pumps (non-grinder) and piping.
Activities: Normal operations and routine maintenance and minor repairs such as preventive maintenance; sludge removal; yearly inspection; and minor repairs as required.
Electrical Assets
The following information provides electrical asset definitions and costing elements related to the calculation of operation and maintenance funding and the related activities. Unit cost is one component of the operations and maintenance funding formula. For hydro lines the unit of measure is "kilometres" and for street lights the measure is "each". For mini-hydro and diesel powered electric generators (B3A and B3B asset codes) the costs are derived by using the following annually updated data:
- typical generating plant peak power (where available)
- number, type (make and Model) and generator capacity (kW) for each diesel-generator unit;
- indicate which units are synchronized (i.e. run in parallel on the same bus);
- site fuel costs, fuel consumption, and
- where available, additional calculations and costs (maintenance, consumables, lube oil, etc.) used to derive the estimated O&M cost.
A load factor of 0.5 is to be used where peak power is provided; otherwise, where generator rating in kilowatts (kW) is provided, a capacity factor of 0.35 is to be used.
A sample calculation is as follows:
Peak Power = 50 kW
Energy Potential = 50 kW * 8,760 h/year = 438,000 kWh/year
Load Factor = 50% (on average the peak demand was fully used for 12 hours a day for 365 days)
Therefore estimated energy consumption = 0.5 * 4380,000 kWh/year = 219,000 kWh/year
Cost of fuel delivered = 0.98 $/L
Assume a generator efficiency of 80% and 75%, capacity loading produces 2.86 kWh/L of fuel.
Therefore fuel costs to generate 219,000 kWh = 219,000 kWh/year * 0.98 $/L / 2.86 kWh/L of fuel = 75,042 $/year
40% of cost of fuel is estimated to cover labour, material, travel, lubricating oil, filters, antifreeze, general maintenance and overhaul.
Therefore annual cost of O&M for above example = $75,042 x 1.4 = $105,059
The cost elements for electrical assets (B3C, B3D, B3E) include:
- salaries
- supplies, materials
- equipment and tools
- contracted repair and maintenance services
The parameters for Street Lights (B3C) include:
- approximate 60 m pole spacing
- winters do not exceed 6 months
- standard artificial street lighting located south of latitude 57 degrees north
The exclusions for hydro lines (B3D & B3E) are as follows:
- major refurbishing programs where distribution lines have exceeded their expected life
- repairs subject to insurance claims
B3A - Mini-hydro
Band-owned water driven electric power generating source on reserves usually in combination with standby diesel-driven generators, rated in kW.
Typical inclusions: Dam, water intake system and control.
Typical Exclusions: Generator, building, wind generation.
B3B - Diesel Generator
Band-owned diesel-engine driven electric power generating source on reserves, consisting of one or two units with no synchronize ability and a minimum of three units with synchronize ability, rated in kW.
Typical inclusions: Control panels.
Typical Exclusions: Diesel generator building.
B3C – Street Lights
Band-owned street lights, usually installed on existing power distribution poles, and typically consisting of a 9.1m concrete pole, buried in the ground with high-pressure sodium 150 watt lamps and lights.
Typical inclusions: Lighting fixtures, mounting hardware, power connection, control and grounding.
Typical exclusions: Street lights provided under contract by Power Supply Authority.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, preventive maintenance; routine inspection; minor repairs as a result of vandalism, lamps and lenses, etc.; tree trimming, right-of-way brush cutting; lamp and ballast replacement on burn-out, etc.; emergency repairs due to sleet, high winds, lightning, etc.
B3D – Transmission Lines:
Band-owned transmission line, supplying electrical power to a reserve from some remote/outside source. Transmission is almost exclusively via an overhead pole line.
Typical inclusions: Pole line and substation.
Typical exclusions: Distribution lines.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, preventive maintenance; routine inspection; minor repairs as a result of vandalism, fuse replacement, guy wire repairs, etc.; tree trimming, right-of-way brush cutting; overload relay adjustments, transformer oil testing, phase/ circuit balancing, etc.; emergency repairs due to sleet, high winds, lightning, etc.
B3E – Distribution Lines:
Band-owned distribution line, distributing power on the reserve from the transmission substation or local generating plant to the various users. Distribution is usually via an overhead pole line with the possible exception of an underground cable run to a school, based on specific site requirements.
Typical inclusions: Pole line, transformers, fuses, lightning arresters, guying, tap-offs to loads.
Typical exclusions: Transmission line and substation.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, preventive maintenance; routine inspection; minor repairs as a result of vandalism, fuse replacement, guy wire repairs, etc.; tree trimming, right-of-way brush cutting; overload relay adjustments, transformer oil testing, phase/ circuit balancing, etc.; emergency repairs due to sleet, high winds, lightning, etc.
Reserve Road Assets
Definition: public roads including service access roads located on reserve for the benefit of the entire community and for the purpose of providing vehicular access to provincial road systems, residential areas and to public facilities such as schools, band offices, sewage treatment plants, landfill sites, etc.
Reserve roads exclude: third-party roads, off-reserve roads, private entrances and access roads to private economic ventures.
The following information provides reserve road asset definitions and costing elements related to the calculation of operation and maintenance funding and the related activities. Unit cost is one component of the operations and maintenance funding formula. The unit of measure for road assets is the assets length in kilometres.
The cost elements for road assets (D1 coding) include:
- salaries, including laborers, truck drivers, equipment operators and maintenance supervisors.
- supplies, material.
- operating costs of road maintenance vehicles and equipment, including fuel, parts, licenses and insurance.
- contracted services.
D1A – Earth Roads
Seasonal roads constructed of native materials without the addition of surface improvement materials such as gravel.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, grading; patch and spot repair damaged surfaces; litter pickup; vegetation control; sign rep./maintenance; guiderail rep./maintenance; culvert rep./replace; culvert inspection/cleaning; ditch cleaning; and snow plowing.
D1B – Gravel Roads
Roads with a riding surface constructed of crushed, screened or imported gravel.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, including: grading; patch and spot repair damaged surfaces; dust control; litter pickup; vegetation control; mowing; sign repair/maintenance; guiderail repair/maintenance; culvert repair/replacement; culvert inspection/cleaning; ditch cleaning; snow plowing; snow removal; sanding.
D1C – Surface Treated Roads
Roads with low class asphaltic surfaces such as chip seals, bituminous surface treatments, oil treatments, etc.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, including: surface patching; crack sealing; spray patching; shoulder grading; catch basin cleaning; litter pickup; vegetation control; mowing; sign repair/maintenance; guiderail repair/maintenance; culvert repair/replacement; culvert inspection/cleaning; ditch cleaning; snow plowing; snow removal; sanding and salting.
D1D - Paved Roads
Roads with a riding surface paved with a hot mixed asphaltic concrete.
Activities: Routine maintenance and minor repairs, including: asphalt patching; crack sealing; spray patching; shoulder grading; catch basin cleaning; litter pickup; vegetation control; mowing; sign repair/maintenance; guiderail repair/maintenance; culvert repair/replacement; culvert inspection/cleaning; ditch cleaning; snow plowing; snow removal; sanding and salting.
Reserve Bridge Assets
Definition: public structures located on reserve for the benefit of the entire community and for the purpose of carrying vehicular and pedestrian traffic across depressions and obstacles such as gullies, roadways, waterways, railways, etc. Reserve bridges include large culverts whose span exceeds three metres, and are normally located on roads defined in D1 - Reserve Roads.
The following information provides reserve bridge asset definitions and costing elements related to the calculation of operation and maintenance funding and the related activities. Unit cost is one component of the operations and maintenance funding formula. The unit of measure for bridge assets is the assets area in square metres.
Activities include routine maintenance and minor repairs, such as, inspection; cleaning; general maintenance/repair; and repair cracks in concrete
The cost elements for bridge assets (D2 coding) include:
- salaries, including labourers, truck drivers, equipment operators and maintenance supervisors.
- supplies, material.
- operating costs of road maintenance vehicles and equipment, including fuel, parts, licences and insurance.
- contracted services.
D2A – Vehicular Bridges
Bridges designed to carry vehicular traffic.
D2B – Pedestrian Bridges
Bridges designed to carry pedestrian traffic only.
D2C – Large Culverts
Structures with a span (width of opening) exceeding three metres which are placed under a road embankment for the passage of surface water, livestock or pedestrians.
Vehicle Assets
The following information provides vehicle asset definitions and costing elements related to the calculation of operation and maintenance funding and the related activities. Unit cost is one component of the operations and maintenance funding formula.
The unit of measure for vehicle assets is each.
Activities include operating and maintaining the vehicles and general inspections, cleaning and repairs.
The cost elements and exclusions for fire vehicle assets (E1 coding) are as follows:
- supplies, material, including fuel, coolant, lubricant, tires, filters, misc. parts.
- contracted services/hours of operation.
- drivers' salaries
- road maintenance vehicles
- vehicle registration
- insurance
The cost elements and exclusions for wastewater and water vehicle assets (E3 and E4 coding) are as follows:
- drivers' salaries.
- supplies, material, including fuel, coolant, lubricant, tires, filters, misc. parts.
- contracted services/hours of operation.
- road maintenance vehicles
- vehicle registration
- insurance.
E1A – Mini Pumper
Truck with either 4 x 2 or 4 x 4 wheel drive. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) 4,889 to 5,896 kg (11,000 to 13,000 lb). Firefighting pump rated at 1,363 litres per minute (300 gallons per minute). Water tank capacity 1,591 litres (350 gallons) or smaller.
E1B – Triple Combination Pumper
Truck with either 4 x 2 or 4 x 4 wheel drive. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) 6,550 to 15,876 kg (14,000 to 35,000 lb). With a firefighting capability to: pump water from its own reservoir; draft water from a source; increase water pressure from a source such as a hydrant, or to a source such as a building sprinkler system. The firefighting pump may have a rating from 1,932 to 3,750 litres per minute (425 to 825 gallons per minute). Water tank capacity from 2,279 litres to 9,092 litres (500 to 2,000 gallons).
E3A – Commercial Pumper
A motor vehicle chassis ranging from 7,711 to 15,876 kg (17,000 to 35,000 lb) Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) commercially designed with special tanks with a capacity range of 2,273 to 6,819 litres, (500 to 1,800 gallons) or more to be used for the purpose of pumping liquid waste water. Pump capacity and type may vary.
E3B – Unmodified Vehicle
A motor vehicle of any chassis size onto which a portable tank and pump has been temporarily mounted for the purposes of pumping and collecting wastewater as required.
E4A – Commercial Tanker
A motor vehicle ranging from 7,712 to 15,876 kg (17,000 to 35,000 lb) Gross Vehicle Weight (GVWR), fitted with a permanently mounted tank with a capacity ranging from 2,954 to 6,819 litres (650 to 1,500 gallons) either with a pump or gravity dispensing system. Note: Some of these vehicles may have a firefighting capability by the use of an extra pump for pressurizing water (i.e. combination water delivery/fire fighting vehicle).
E4B – Unmodified Vehicle
A motor vehicle of any chassis size onto which a portable tank is temporarily mounted for the purpose of delivering potable water, using either a pump or gravity for delivery.